Exam Results and Some Feedback for Your in-class Performance
AGB: Good English in writing, very simple sentence though, relax a little and your speaking will get much better, not bad grammar but needs improvement since you forgot some points like "used to". Need more technical vocabulary, that's why your writing looks simple, and not like academic writing. improving (80)
YP: need more practice in English, very little vocabulary, so you should learn more, missing reading skill, have problems with basic grammatical points, speaking is not fluent because of your grammar and vocabulary knowledge. not improving enough (35)
EO: very good writing skill, needs more tachnical vocabulary and more linking words to be perfect though, fluent speaking skill which is real intermediate level, needs more practice to be advanced, not improving enough (90)
AFE: not bad writing skill, and good sentence constraction skill, however needs more basic vocabulary, have the potential to improve in speaking if you learn more words and some more grammar, need more practice. imprving (60)
ABT: some missing points in grammar, and need more vocabulary, this disables you in speaking as well, need more practice for speaking skill, not bad in writing but need more words for better sentence structure. improving (70)
EK: good writing skill, which needs improvement in variety of vocabulary and grammar structures, good speaking skill and if you learn more words you'll speak much better. some problems in prepositions, you are the most improved student (MIS) in terms of speaking, (80)
OH: need more practice in writing, very little confidence in writing with many grammar structures and vocabulary missing, not enough speaking skill for this level, need more words and grammar, not improved as much as I expected, (60)
BT: good writing, have confidence in writing ability, not afraid to take risks and this makes you speak good, however need more vocabulary and grammar structures, need more linking workds. improved since the beginning of our course(80)
SA: need more grammar structures and vocabulary knowledge, if you learn more of these you can speak much better, missed many classes so you have a lot to catch up, did not improve as much as I expected (60)
ÖU: good writing with some minor mistakes because need more vocabulary and grammar, not bad grammar knowledge, and mid level speaking level for intermediate level, improved visibly since the beginning of the course but still not enough for this level. (80)
Lİ: not bad grammar but could be much better, vocabulary is problem as well, need more practice for speaking, so far did good but to be better need more struggle. did not improve as much as I expected (80)
ŞY: good grammar and good vocabulary use, however should also relax to speak your knowledge of English, you improved well, but could be better, missed classes effect your development rate. (85)
AA: good grammar skills, need more vocabulary and practice for speakin, improved since the beginning of the course but not enough for this level, need more to be much better. keep this way, will be much better in the end. (80)
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